Your personal finances, personalised...

Let OneLinQ remove the hassle from managing multiple bank accounts.

Your personal financial assistant

Different banking apps can be great. Joint accounts? Saving account? Regular payments to manage?
Let OneLinQ take the strain and stress out of managing your finances.


The range of new banking apps and payment services has never been greater. Greater choice doesn't need to come with greater complexity however. OneLinQ can help simplify your finances, connecting to all the services you love to use.


AI-powered analytics and reporting helping you to have total visibility of your expenses, with relevant recommendations and optimisations to lower your costs.


Understanding your actual and projected financial position is straightforward and simple – with advice and suggestions to help you improve your financial health.

Account Aggregation

No more juggling between different banking or payment apps. OneLinQ connects all of your accounts together, making it easy to manage your money.

Expense Analysis

Our AI-powered service categorises your expenditure across all of your accounts, helping you see and understand just where your money is going.

Personal finance manager

Personalised advice. With OneLinQ you received suggestions to better manage your finances, saving you money and improving your financial health.

OneLinQ Who?

Want to know more about OneLinQ? We are dedicated to taking the complexity out of financial services, for consumers, businesses, banks and everyone else!

Find out more

Reach 400m customers in 28 countries...

Access 400m customers across 28 countries, that's over 80% of the market, with OneLinQ's comprehensive range of Payments and Open Banking solutions.

Get in touch today